Category Archives: The Big Show

An Open Letter to WWE Chairman, Vince McMahon

As promised, this is the first of my exclusive blogs for all of you fine people here at! It’s something that I mentioned I’d be doing in my last blog, which was that I’d write an open letter to … Continue reading

Posted in Be A Star, George, georgec1982, John Cena, John Laurinaitis, Michael Cole, Raw, The Big Show, Vince McMahon, WWE | Leave a comment

This Week In Review – Monday Night Raw

WWE RAW Opener:  Tonight’s WWE RAW Supershow opens up with a video for Memorial Day. Tonight’s show is dedicated to all of our fallen soldiers.  We’re live from the New Orleans Arena as Big Show makes his way out in … Continue reading

Posted in Alberto Del Rio, Brodus Clay, Christian, Cody Rhodes, Dolph Ziggler, John Cena, John Laurinaitis, Monday Night Raw, No Way Out, Raw, Santino Marella, Single Leg TakeDown, SLTD, The Big Show, This Week In Review | Leave a comment

This Week in Review – SmackDown

Eve Torres comes out and brags how John Laurinaitis is still in charge. She said that Laurinaitis won’t be there tonight, and she’s in charge. She said that Sheamus will apologize and she will name his opponent for WWE No … Continue reading

Posted in Alberto Del Rio, Christian, Daniel Bryan, Kane, Over the Limit, Randy Orton, Santino Marella, The Big Show, This Week In Review | Leave a comment

This Week In Review – Monday Night Raw

Welcome to SLTD Live!  Live Coverage of all WWE Shows. WWE Raw 22nd May 2012 WWE RAW Opener:  Tonight’s WWE RAW Supershow opens up with a look at John Laurinaitis, People Power and the match against John Cena at last … Continue reading

Posted in Alberto Del Rio, Beth Phoenix, Christian, Dolph Ziggler, Jack Swagger, John Cena, John Laurinaitis, Kelly Kelly, Lord Tensai, Monday Night Raw, Raw, Santino Marella, The Big Show, This Week In Review | Leave a comment

Wrestlemania 28: The Complete Breakdown!

For my first article on SLTD, I will give my opinion and brief description for every match that is listed for Wrestlemania 28. This has the potential to be the biggest Wrestlemania in it’s 28 year history. Without further ado, … Continue reading

Posted in Chris Jericho, CM Punk, Cody Rhodes, Divas, John, John Cena, John Laurinaitis, Teddy Long, The Big Show, The Rock, Wrestlemania, WWE | 2 Comments