Category Archives: R Truth

This Week In Review – Monday Night Raw Review

Live Coverage of all WWE Shows. WWE Raw June 5th 2012 WWE RAW Opener:  Tonight’s WWE RAW Supershow opens with a look back at Big Show explaining his heel turn from last week.  We’re live from the Bi Lo Center … Continue reading

Posted in #3HourRaw, Dolph Ziggler, Jerry Lawler, John Cena, John Laurinaitis, Jr, Kofi Kingston, Michael Cole, Monday Night Raw, R Truth, Raw, This Week In Review, Vince McMahon | Leave a comment

Over The Limit Review.

  Kane vs. Zack Ryder  This is the Internet Pre-Game show match. Ryder was precarious towards Kane and avoided him early, running to the floor. Kane followed but was dropkick through the ropes and whipped into the corner. Ryder told … Continue reading

Posted in Big Show, CM Punk, John Cena, John Laurinaitis, Kofi Kingston, Layla, Over the Limit, R Truth | 3 Comments

Elimination Chamber: Predictions

The Elimination Chamber is just one week away and only three matches have been announced thus far. SLTD weighs in on what we expect from the PPV that will put the Wrestlemania train full speed ahead! Beth Phoenix w/Natalya v … Continue reading

Posted in Barrett, Chris Jericho, CM Punk, Cody Rhodes, Daniel Bryan, Dolph Ziggler, Elimination Chamber, John Cena, Kane, Khali, Kingston, Phoenix, R Truth, Randy Orton, Show, Tamina, The Miz, WWE | Leave a comment