Category Archives: Off The Top Rope

Off The Top Rope Special: Extreme Rules Predictions

PreShow United States Championship The Miz vs. Santino (c) This interesting PreShow match since this will be a first for The Miz not being on a PPV main show. There is no storyline, unless it evolves into one. Thus far … Continue reading

Posted in Big Show, Brock Lesnar, Chris Jericho, CM Punk, Cody Rhodes, Extreme Rules, John Cena, Kane, Luciano, Off The Top Rope, Randy Orton, Sheamus, SLTD, SLTD Wrestling, World Heavyweight Title, WWE Title | Leave a comment

Off The Top Rope Issue #2

Who will be the next big WWE star. Well you have a few up and coming wrestlers in devolpment right now. Seth Rollins, Antonio Ceasar, Husky Harris, Bo Rotunda, Dean Ambrose, Kassius Ohno to name a few. Then you have … Continue reading

Posted in Charles, Dolph Ziggler, Off The Top Rope, SmackDown, The Miz, WWE | Leave a comment

Off The Top Rope Issue #1

WHY THE WWE HAS BROUGHT BACK FORMER WWE STARS The WWE has brought back in the last two years former stars, like The Rock and Brock Lesnar, and elevated them to the top. Instead of bringing up talent that is … Continue reading

Posted in Brock Lesnar, Charles, Dolph Ziggler, Off The Top Rope, The Miz, The Rock, UFC, Wrestlemania | Leave a comment