Category Archives: Kofi Kingston

My reaction to AW being fired

Normally, I don’t do breaking news columns, but something’s happened in the last 24 hours that made me feel like I had to sit down and get my thoughts out. Yesterday, WWE announced that they’d come to terms with the … Continue reading

Posted in AW, Daniel Bryan, George, georgec1982, HHH, Jerry Lawler, John Cena, Kofi Kingston, Lord Tensai, The Undertaker, Titus O'Neil, Vince McMahon, WWE | Leave a comment

Santino Marella: The Rise of the Cobra

Something happened last night that really wound me up. I wrote an article for Bleacher Report yesterday (just like I do every Sunday) about who I thought WWE’s “Stars of the Week” were. You can read it here. In one … Continue reading

Posted in Cody Rhodes, Dolph Ziggler, George, georgec1982, Hulk Hogan, Kevin Nash, Kofi Kingston, Rise of the Cobra, Santino Marella, Scott Hall, WCW, WWE, WWF | 2 Comments

Why Chris Jericho is saving Raw

It’s time for another blog from yours truly here at SLTD Wrestling. Hopefully you guys have all checked out the latest episode of SLTD Radio where Brad, Greg and I talked about all things WWE. If you’ve not heard it … Continue reading

Posted in Chris Jericho, CM Punk, Evan Bourne, Flag-Gate, George, georgec1982, John Cena, Kofi Kingston, Randy Orton, Raw, SLTD Radio, WWE | 2 Comments

Is Kofi Kingston WWE’s Unluckiest Superstar?

News broke over the weekend that WWE superstar R-Truth has either suffered a severe sprain or broken his foot. It’s an injury that couldn’t have come at a worse time for WWE. They’re now missing six upper mid-carders through injury … Continue reading

Posted in Alberto Del Rio, Chris Jericho, Evan Bourne, George, georgec1982, Kofi Kingston, Mark Henry, R-Truth, Randy Orton, Wade Barrett | Leave a comment

The best current babyfaces in WWE

The role of the hero in wrestling, or the babyface, is critical. The fans have to feel something for them. Whether it’s through their in-ring talent or their ability to cut a good promo, the babyface has to connect with … Continue reading

Posted in Brodus Clay, Christian, CM Punk, Face, George, georgec1982, John Cena, Kofi Kingston, R-Truth, Randy Orton, Santino Marella, Sheamus, Zack Ryder | Leave a comment

This Week In Review – Monday Night Raw Review

Live Coverage of all WWE Shows. WWE Raw June 5th 2012 WWE RAW Opener:  Tonight’s WWE RAW Supershow opens with a look back at Big Show explaining his heel turn from last week.  We’re live from the Bi Lo Center … Continue reading

Posted in #3HourRaw, Dolph Ziggler, Jerry Lawler, John Cena, John Laurinaitis, Jr, Kofi Kingston, Michael Cole, Monday Night Raw, R Truth, Raw, This Week In Review, Vince McMahon | Leave a comment

Over The Limit Review.

  Kane vs. Zack Ryder  This is the Internet Pre-Game show match. Ryder was precarious towards Kane and avoided him early, running to the floor. Kane followed but was dropkick through the ropes and whipped into the corner. Ryder told … Continue reading

Posted in Big Show, CM Punk, John Cena, John Laurinaitis, Kofi Kingston, Layla, Over the Limit, R Truth | 3 Comments

The Rock Grants a Wish, WWE Look at New Name To Star in The Marine 3 and Ric Flair Returning to WWE

The Rock met a boy named Thomas and his family from Make-A-Wish in Miami on Monday night before the RAW Supershow. has photos of The Rock granting Thomas’s wish. WWE Champion CM Punk, John Cena, Cody Rhodes, JTG and … Continue reading

Posted in CM Punk, Kofi Kingston, Ric Flair, The Rock, WWE | Leave a comment

Goldust Defends WWE, Kofi Kingston and Ted DiBiase notes

Goldust, who is predicting Dolph Ziggler to win the Royal Rumble, defended his employer on Twitter this weekend after a fan commented that WWE should be smarter and feature Goldust on TV more. He wrote:“ive been in the bus. 24 … Continue reading

Posted in Goldust, Kofi Kingston, SLTD Wrestling, Ted DiBiase, WWE | Leave a comment