Celebrating ‘Latino Heat’ My Top 25 Eddie Guerrero’s Matches!

This list is honouring the late great Eddie Guerrero. Next month it will be 7 years since his passing (November 13). So it was only fitting to honor him and rewatch some of his classic matches.

This countdown is dedicated to the performer and the man Eddie Guerrero.

25: Triple A Presents When Worlds Collide, 06/11/1994
Hair Vs. Mask Match. Eddie Guerrero & Love Matchine Vs. Octagon & El Hijo Santo

This match only gets better with repeated viewing. AAA did a brilliant job building up this match and tying it into the history of both El Santo and Gory Guerrero. Dave Meltzer was at this match live and rated it 5 stars. He has often talked about how insane the crowd heat was for this match!

24: WcW Presents Starrcade, 27/12/1995
Eddie Guerrero Vs. Shinjiro Otani

What’s pretty awesome about this encounter is that these two were used to working the complete opposite over in Japan where Eddie was heel as Black Tiger II against Ohtani. This was kind of slow in-between some nice suplexes with the crowd exercising their right to sit on their hands. Awesome finishing sequence!

23: WcW Presents Thunder, 24/06/1999
Eddie Guerrero Vs. Psychosis

Eddie and Psychosis had great chemistry just like Rey and Psychosis did. Nothing but great quality, especially for a TV match which featured good psychology and nice moves!

22: WWE Presents Smackdown, 11/09/2003
Latino Heat Parking Lot Brawl. Eddie Guerrero Vs. John Cena

All throughout 2003, something was happening with Eddie Guerrero. When he started lying, cheating and stealing, it was impossible not to cheer him, no matter his distinction as a heel or a babyface. It helped that WWE had him win the U.S. championship and defend it in particularly awesome matches like this. The car to car frog splash at the end is great! 

21: WWE Presents Raw 29/04/2002
Intercontinental Championship Match. Eddie Guerrero vs. Jeff Hardy

Eddie Guerrero defends his newly won Intercontinental Championship against Jeff Hardy in a pretty decent match!


20: WWE Presents SummerSlam, 21/08/2005
Ladder Match In Custody of Dominick. Eddie Guerrero Vs. Rey Mysterio
Not many liked this storyline but the matches between these two where always great. Both guys put there body on the line a ton of times and the match was entertaining!

19: Independent Circuit, IWA Presents, 01/03/2001
IWA Mid-South Heavyweight Championship. Eddie Guerrero Vs. Rey Mysterio Vs. Cm Punk

This was during the time Eddy was fired from WWE and was going around the Indy Circuit putting over local indy darlings in wrestling clinics. This was among the first signs Eddie was getting clean as he took it to another level with a young CM Punk and his old rival! 

18: Independent Circuit, ICW Presents, 30/11/2001 Eddie Guerrero vs. Low-Ki

Even though Low Ki was the Champion here, Eddy was wrestling like the touring NWA Champion of the past, playing the subtle heel and controlling most of the match with some awesome submissions like the rarely used Inverted Gory Special. There is a great sequence where Low Ki is doing his trademark kicks to Eddy’s chest and Eddy catches the foot, turns it into an STF in such a flawless fashion. Guerrero delivered here and it was a pretty brilliant match! 

17: WWE Presents, Survivor Series 2002 17/11/2002
Triple Threat Elimination Match, For the Tag Team Championship. Eddie Guerrero & Chavo Guerrero vs. Rey Mysterio & Edge vs. Kurt Angle & Chris Benoit

Awesome match. Non-Stop action. All competitors involved give a great effort and the match grabs your attention and never lets you go until the very end!

16: WWE Presents, Judgment Day 2003 18/05/2003
Ladder Match, For the Tag Team Championship. Eddie Guerrero & Tajiri vs. Team Angle Charlie Haas and Shelton Benjamin

It’s not often we see a Tag Team Ladder match. You’d think back to No Mercy 99 and how innovative Jeff, Matt, Edge and Christian all were in that classic. This match was everything you would want it to be. A borderline classic! 

15: Ecw Presents, One Night Stand 12/06/2005 Eddie Guerrero vs. Chris Benoit

It is hard to believe Eddie would be dead in a matter of months. In the end Benoit defeated his good friend Eddie with a Crossface. Beyond sad to think that in just two years both men would be gone. This match was definitely solid by both guys standards!

14: WWE Presents, Judgment Day 16/05/2004
WWE Championship. Eddie Guerrero vs. John Bradshaw Layfield

The out of control brawling and the bloody chaos at the end of this match was classic. I highly and recommend that you see this match below!

13: WWE Presents, Vengeance 27/07/2003
United States Championship Tournament Final. Eddie Guerrero vs. Chris Benoit

Eddy had recently turned heel and became more popular than ever. Lots of overbooking held this one down, but it was still a fun match. Eddy would get so over as a heal that they had to turn him face only to try to turn him heel again and get him even more over as a face. Funny how things work out. One of the best opener’s of all time!


14: Ecw Presents, 26/08/95
2/3 Falls Match. Eddie Guerrero vs. Dean Malenko

The match ended in a draw as the last fall had both men’s shoulders on the mat. This would be both men’s last match in ECW and they both gave and received an emotional farewell goodbye to the fans. A 2 out of 3 falls match, was as good as it gets!

12: WWE Presents, Smackdown 12/05/2002
Fatal 4 Way, #1 Contenders Match. Eddie Guerrero vs. Edge vs. Chris Benoit vs. Kurt Angle

Sounds like a dream match. The crowd was into it, and all four men went at it from the start. The Angleslam for the finish, was a great way to end it. At the time though, I was pissed that Benoit got eliminated minutes after Eddie. But i thought it was a good match. Man i miss theses days!

11: WWE Presents, Wrestlemania 21 03/04/2005
Eddie Guerrero vs. Rey Mysterio

At the time both Rey and Eddie were “friends” but falling apart on the Smackdown brand despite holding the tag team straps. Eddie Guerrero opens Mania in his low rider, comes out to a good pop, as does Mysterio. The two have amazing chemistry and busted out a lot in just the 12 and a half minutes they got to work. Solid opener to the 21st Wrestlemania. Sadly, this was the last WrestleMania that Eddie Guerrero would participate in! 

10: WWE Presents, No Mercy 09/10/2005
World Championship Match. Eddie Guerrero vs. Batista

Eddie was trying to move away from his “Lie, Cheat and Steal” gimmick and make his life more about respect. Sadly, this will turn out to be Eddie’s last PPV match and it’s pretty damn good one!

09: WcW Presents, Nitro 20/10/97
Eddie Guerrero vs. Chris Benoit

This is a semi famous gem from the mid 1990s of WCW. It’s a perfect TV match. They have like 8 minutes to work with here, and they start off fast as hell with some pretty difficult sequences. Awesome match, and the injured arm story plays perfectly into the finish! 

08: WWE Presents, RAW 27/05/2002 Intercontinental Championship. Ladder Match. Eddie Guerrero vs. Rob Van Dam

This match is really good, with special props to Eddie who carried the vast majority of it. This could have been a 9 or 10 star match but the botched Five-Star attempt, RVD refusing to sell the leg and the fan intrusion probably make it an 8. Still a great match thou!

07: New Japan Pro Wrestling Presents, 06/11/1996 Black Tiger “Eddie Guerrero” vs. Wild Pegasus “Chris Benoit”

This match is quite awesome, Benoit becomes the biggest heel in the world by using the most nasty looking sleeper ever. Guerrero is constantly trying to escape and make a comeback, then Benoit keeps cutting him off with a sleeper, and the crowd heat is incredible. Also, Eddie’s selling of the effects the sleeper had on his throat and head are pretty nice. This match also plays off their famous past matches and it’s right up there as the best matches NJPW juniors ever had!

06: WcW Presents, WcW Fall Brawl 1997 14/09/1997
Cruiserweight Championship Match. Eddie Guerrero vs. Chris Jericho

Most of the moves executed were done perfectly and the last five to eight minutes or so were just brilliant. Terrific match!

05: WWE Presents, Wrestlemania XX 14/03/2004
WWE Championship. Eddie Guerrero vs. Kurt Angle

These guys really worked together well. Eddie won the title from Brock Lesnar at No Way Out, and Angle turned heel on him claiming that a drug addict wasn’t fit to represent the WWE as Champion. They suplex the hell out of each other. I never really liked the finish, despite it fitting Eddie’s character beautifully. Still this was a tremendous match, and what more would you expect from these guys. A fantastic 4 star match!

04: Ecw Presents, Hostile City Showdown 15/04/95
Eddie Guerrero vs. Dean Malenko

Eddie Guerrero became known as one of the world’s best wrestlers thanks to this feud. In ECW, two second generation wrestlers who most thought would never make it in America due to their size put on numerous straight wrestling clinics that would become legendary throughout the sport. Guerrero and Malenko’s Hostile City Showdown encounter has become the most legendary of this series!

03: WcW Presents, Halloween Havoc 26/10/97
Cruiserweight Championship vs. Mask Match, Eddie Guerrero vs. Rey Misterio, Jr.

Eddie had been a huge bully to the smaller Mysterio and Rey would have to finally put up his mask against the Cruiserweight title to get rid of Guerrero. What followed was the most perfect mix of lucha, New Japan junior wrestling, and American cruiserweight wrestling that the world has ever seen. One of my Top 10 Matches ever!

02: WWE Presents, Smackdown 26/09/2002
No DQ. Eddie Guerrero vs. Edge

Eddie’s 2002 return to the WWE really kicked into high-gear when he moved to Smackdown. His first feud was with Edge, which provided two very good matches at SummerSlam and Unforgiven. But it would be on free television, on Smackdown, that the two would really hit their peak. One of the best matches of 2002!


01: WWE Presents, No Way Out 15/02/2004
WWE Championship Match. Eddie Guerrero vs. Brock Lesnar

When he started the “Lying, Cheating, Stealing” gimmick of taking a Title Belt and laying it on someone, then pretending he got hit with it. Those were classics. My favourite was his match against Brock Lesnar at No Way Out back in 2004, winning his first World Title!



Rest In Peace Eduardo Gory “Eddie” Guerrero

October 9, 1967 – November 13, 2005

Thanks for reading. You can always follow me on Twitter @kwAsktheHeel or Like me on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/?ref=logo#!/pages/Ask-the-Heel/294249234005620 


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