WWE Money in the Bank Review 2012

What’s up guys? It’s George here with a review of last night’s (or this morning’s depending on when you watched it!) WWE PPV, Money in the Bank. I’ll try to make this as fun and entertaining as possible. I’ll include recaps of the matches and the pre-show (where I can), as well as give my thoughts on the show and what the match of the night was. Let’s get right into a brief recap of the live pre-show, exclusively from WWE’s YouTube channel.
We see Zack Ryder and Santino Marella talking backstage. Santino tells us that he’s made a little briefcase for the Cobra incase he wins. They’re interrupted by Damien Sandow, who runs them both down. Ryder calls Sandow a jack-ass and Santino threatens him with the Cobra. Sandow reminds Ryder that he’s the reason Zack isn’t in the Money in the Bank match as Ryder and Santino walk off.
Pre-Show Tag-Team Championship Match: Jimmy Boom (Kofi & R-Truth) vs Hunico & Camacho

The tag champs came out first to a decent reaction from the crowd, followed by Hunico & Camacho. Hunico cut a quick promo before the match, mostly in Spanish. The gist of it was that the crowd were going to see the future of the WWE (Hunico & Camacho) in the ring, vato loco! Yeah, he went there! Although the match was pretty even early doors, Hunico & Camacho gained the advantage and worked over Kofi Kingston for the majority of the match.
As the match comes to a close, Hunico powerbombs Kofi for a 2-count, before working over Kingston in the corner. Kofi manages to get a hurricanrana on Hunico before making a hot tag to R-Truth as Hunico tags Camacho in. Truth connects with a couple of clotheslines and a powerslam on Camacho. He quickly gets a nearfall from a DDT, but Hunico breaks up the count. Kofi comes in and hits Trouble in Paradise on Hunico that knocks him out of the ring. Truth hits the Paydirt on Camacho to get the 1-2-3.
Winners (and STILL WWE Tag-Team Champions): Jimmy Boom
Thoughts: It was a basic WWE tag-team match. Both teams tried to warm up the crowd and the match wasn’t bad, there just wasn’t enough there to make you think that the titles would change hands. Hopefully over the next few weeks, we’ll see a build towards a tag-team title match between Jimmy Boom and the Prime-Time Players at Summerslam.
Next, we go backstage to see Josh Matthews standing with Chris Jericho. He asks Jericho what his strategy is for the match. Jericho says it’s to win dummy! He puts over Big Show and Kane as ferocious monsters, but they’re nothing compared to the ferocious ego of John Cena. Jericho says he invented this match, but he’s never won it. That’s going to change tonight. After all is said and done, Jerichoholics in the arena and around the world won’t just call him Best in the World or the Ayatollah of Rock and Rollah, they’re going to call him the Greatest of All-Time.
We then get treated to a video package highlighting the developments in the World Heavyweight Championship feud between Sheamus and Alberto del Rio, before heading backstage again where Josh Matthews is with Daniel Bryan.
Josh asks Bryan what the situation is with AJ and asks if the new No Disqualification stipulation makes a difference. Bryan says AJ is his future wife and the fact she slapped him shows that she’s passionate about him, deep down within her soul. He says that he’s leaving with his future wife tonight and with the WWE Championship.
With that, the pre-show ends and we go live with the pay-per-view!
World Title Money in the Bank Match (Christian vs Rhodes vs Santino vs Sandow vs Sin Cara vs Tensai vs Ziggler vs Kidd)
After the usual pyros and intro, the camera pans the ringside area, where we see ladders set up all around the ring and up the ramp. Vickie Guerrero comes out and introduces Dolph Ziggler. Santino Marella, Cody Rhodes, Damien Sandow, Tyson Kidd, Sin Cara and Tensai all make their way out to the ring, before Christian completes the set.
The bell rings and everyone goes at it. Tensai dominates early on, even catapulting Kidd into a ladder set up between the bottom and middle ropes before Christian and Kidd double team him, sending him out the floor. Christian and Kidd then go at it, before Kidd gets knocked out of the ring. Christian climbs the ladder, but Santino meets him and they trade shots under the briefcase. Kidd climbs up the side of the ladder, but Sandow tips the ladder over and they fall off.
Ziggler and Cody come in and go at it before Sin Cara comes in and takes them both out. Sin Cara kicks Cody’s hamstrings before sending him out to the floor with a hurricanrana. Ziggler goes to the top but Cara stops him and hits what looks like a cross between an armbreaker and a DDT. Before Cara can do anything, Kidd comes in and hits a neckbreaker on him. They exchange holds before Cara tries to go for a pin! Looks like he forgot it was a ladder match! Haha..
He slams Kidd on a ladder and climbs up to the top rope, where Christian shoves him off to the floor. Christian goes for a frogsplash, but he misses and crashes into the ladder. Cody comes in and goes at it with Kidd. He ducks a Disaster Kick that hits Sandow and leaps into the ring, dropkicking Cody to the outside. Kidd climbs up the ladder, but Tensai stops him. Santino climbs up too, but Tensai grabs him. Tensai botches a powerbomb, so he tosses Santino out to the floor.
Kidd climbs up again and Tensai goes for a powerbomb, but Kidd takes him down with a headscissors and they both fall to the floor. Sandow climbs for the briefcase a couple of times, but a combination of Sin Cara and Christian stop him. Sandow and Christian try to reach the briefcase, but Sandow knocks Christian down and tries to slam him on a ladder, but Christian counters into an inverted DDT before spearing Sandow into the ladder. He climbs the ladder, but Ziggler and Cody knock him over before exchanging shots. Tensai comes back in and takes control. He climbs up the ladder, but Kidd meets him at the top and knocks him off. Santino grabs Tyson’s leg and Sin Cara climbs up, before Tensai takes them out. Christian hits Tensai with a ladder shot and double-teams him with Santino, before taking Santino out.
With Tensai and Santino out of it, Christian and Ziggler fight at top of the ladder. Kidd and Sandow each set up ladders before Kidd leaps over and armdrags Ziggler from the ladder. Sandow gets the advantage and reaches for the briefcase but can’t get hold of it. Christian hits Sandow with a ladder and they both tumble out to the floor. Outside the ring, Cara goes for a hurricanrana on Tensai, but he powerbombs him onto a ladder set up between the apron and the announce table! Ziggler tries to attack him, but Tensai launches Dolph over the announce table into the barricade. Cody drops Tensai with a Disaster Kick.
Kidd and Cody climb up for the briefcase, but Christian spears Cody from the ladder! Christian and Santino climb up the ladder. Christian knocks Santino off before reaching for the briefcase, but he can’t get hold of it. Ziggler runs up and knocks Christian off the ladder before grabbing the briefcase to win the match.
Winner: Dolph Ziggler
Thoughts: This will probably be the best ladder match of the two and I thought it was booked pretty well. Each man came in with a chance of winning it, but when it came down to it, Ziggler showed incredible resiliency to win the match.
We go backstage where Josh Matthews is standing by with the World Champion fella! Matthews asks Sheamus if he’s worried that Ziggler won MiTB. Sheamus basically says that he’s not worried about Ziggler or Alberto. He says Alberto can have all the fancy cars and ornaments that he wants, but he’s got the most important one over his shoulder. Sheamus says he drives beat-up cars, not fancy ones. He says it might not look good, but it does the job, just like him. Sheamus says that his beat-up car will probably end up in the scrapyard before long, but that’s OK. After tonight, that’s where Alberto and his spare tyre (Ricardo Rodriguez) will be after he’s finished tonight.
We go back to the ring where Justin Roberts introduces a returning Miz to the live crowd. There’s loud chants of “Miz is Awesome” and he asks the crowd if they missed him. Miz says he’s sick of being overlooked and he’s making a statement tonight, by announcing himself as a participant in the WWE Title MiTB match before making his way backstage.
We get another one of those awesome Raw Moments videos taking a look back at the best of 1,000 episodes! Thank God there’s only another couple of weeks of this left. They’re boring me to tears! This one is a look at the night WCW tried to spoil Mick Foley’s moment when he won the WWE Title for the first time. The graphic shows that was the night WWE won the Monday Night Wars and changed the wrestling business forever.
Next, we go to ringside and get treated to a preview video for the World Heavyweight Title match between Sheamus and Alberto del Rio.
World Heavyweight Title Match: Sheamus (c) vs Alberto Del Rio
Alberto del Rio comes out first, followed by the World Champion, Sheamus. As usual, Ricardo does Alberto’s formal introduction before Lilian introduces Sheamus. As they lock up, Del Rio smacks Sheamus, before Sheamus beats him down in the corner and is forced to back off. Del Rio charges at the champion and both men exchange right hands in the middle of the ring. Sheamus gets control and forces del Rio into the corner and down again.
The action goes back and forth before del Rio starts working on the champion’s arm. Sheamus drops del Rio with a big knee and gets a 2 count. Sheamus hits Alberto with more knees and gets another nearfall. With both men looking to take control, Alberto gets hung up on the ropes. Sheamus suplexes him back into the ring and hits the battering ram shoulderblock for another 2 count. Ricardo comes in and distracts Sheamus, which allows Del Rio to get the advantage. He slams the injured arm of Sheamus into the steps and throws him into the barricade before bringing the action back in the ring.
Del Rio takes control midway through the match and continues to work over the injured arm of Sheamus. He looks as intense as he has done over the last few weeks. They brawl and Sheamus runs into the ring post. Del Rio doesn’t let up and really looks like he’s set to injure the champion. Sheamus tries to regain control and tries another battering ram, but as he flies off the top rope, Alberto catches him with an armbreaker and gets a nearfall. Alberto starts taunting the champion, but Sheamus gets control and rams him into the turnbuckle. 
Sheamus starts hitting del Rio with clubbing forearm blows between the ropes, but Alberto grabs his arm and wrenches it on the top rope. As he comes back in, Sheamus catches him with the Irish Curse backbreaker for a 2 count. More back and forth action with del Rio continuing to focus on the injured arm and he gets a couple of nearfalls before Sheamus hits White Noise and nails the Brogue Kick for the win.
Winner (and STILL World Champion): Sheamus
After the match, Ricardo jumps on Sheamus’ back before he can celebrate and Alberto attacks him. Del Rio mounts Sheamus and hits him with a series of right hands before they kick Sheamus as he’s down.
DOLPH ZIGGLER’S MUSIC HITS and out comes the MiTB holder! He hands the briefcase to the referee and looks like he’s going to take advantage. Before the referee can ring the bell, del Rio distracts Dolph before Ziggler nails him with the briefcase. As he turns around, Sheamus gets up and hits him with a Brogue Kick before the match can start. The champion looks angry as he poses with the World Title.
Thoughts: In my opinion, this is the first time that del Rio’s looked like a credible main-eventer. The viciousness he’s shown in the last few weeks has added depth to his character and he did well. Sheamus is performing great as the franchise player on Smackdown so it’s the right decision that he retained. The tease of Ziggler (#mancrush) cashing in was also really good and there’s no doubt he’ll take advantage when the time’s right.
Next up, we see a replay of the Daniel Bryan interview from the pre-show on YouTube before we go back to ringside. It looks like we’re getting another unannounced match on a pay-per-view as the tag-team champions Jimmy Boom come out in suits for a stint on commentary.
Prime-Time Players (w/Abraham Washington) vs Primo and Epico (w/Rosa Mendes)
AW comes out first with his wireless mic and introduces the guys who’re going to make him “millions of dollars”, Darren Young and Titus O’Neil. Rosa Mendes come out next with Primo and Epico. Damn that woman is hot! Just saying…
As usual, AW’s mic is live during the match as he acts like a cheerleader for his team. Titus and Epico start. He takes Titus to the corner but the big man fights out. Primo tags in and they double dropkick Titus. O’Neil tags his partner in and now Primo and Darren Young go at it. Epico sends Young out to the floor and Primo leaps out onto him. Titus gets dumped outside and Epico flies over the top rope, taking everyone out. He rolls Young back into the ring and gets the first nearfall.
Young manages to get control and tags Titus in, who overpowers Epico and takes a shot at Primo. Titus sends Epico out to the floor as AW asks the crowd to give his boys some applause. Titus rams Epico into the ring post and rolls him back in, where he slams Epico hard to the mat and tags his partner back in. Titus suplexes Young onto Epico, who keeps control and works over him. Titus tags back in and bends Epico around the ring post.
Titus with a backbreaker and a big fallaway slam. He gets a 2 count before Primo breaks it up. Titus whips Epico to the corner as AW decides to play the race card and makes a Taco Bell joke! It’s not all bad though as he persuades Rosa into dancing, which is NEVER a bad thing. Hell, I could’ve watched her dancing instead of this match, but that’s a story for another time!
Epico and Titus are both down inside the ring, but they manage to tag in their partners. Titus gets knocked off the apron and Primo hits Young with a big chop off the top rope, before connecting with a splash off the second rope for another nearfall. Primo dropkicks Young into the ropes and jumps onto him. Primo springboards back in, but Young catches him in mid-air with knees to the face. As Young goes to put Primo away, Primo rolls him up and gets the win!
Winners: Primo and Epico
After the match, AW joins his team in the ring and looks shocked as Primo and Epico leave with Rosa. I wish I could leave with Rosa. Sorry, got distracted again! Back in the ring, AW says it doesn’t matter because his boys are still number 1 contenders. They go to ringside and start arguing with Kofi and Truth. Truth throws water all over AW after he started shouting his mouth off. Kofi’s music hits as Young and O’Neil leave with AW.
Thoughts: It’s time WWE started pushing tag-teams and now it looks like that’s what we’re getting. It’s hard for the fans to cheer for Primo & Epico right now because we don’t really have a reason to. We weren’t given time to invest in them when AW was “in charge”, which causes a problem. The match itself was pretty good. I like both teams. Let’s see where it goes from here.
Next, we get a look at the events that led up to tonight’s title match and we see Matt Striker backstage with AJ. She says despite what happened on RAW, CM Punk is an amazing human being and Daniel Bryan is her first love. She starts going crazy before she tells Matt she has to go.
No DQ Match for the WWE Championship: CM Punk (c) vs Daniel Bryan (Special Ref: AJ)
AJ comes out first, followed by Daniel Bryan and CM Punk rounds off the trio. Justin Roberts gives us the formal introductions, the bell rings and the match is underway.
Both men end up on the outside early as Punk hits Bryan with some chops and rams him into the apron. Bryan whips Punk into the barrier and hits some chops of his own. He rolls the champ back into the ring and kicks Punk chanting “YES!” everytime he does it! Man, I love that chant! Punk gets a quick roll-up for a 2 count and fights Bryan into the corner, where he hits more chops. Bryan reverses it and hits chops of his own, chanting “YES!” again! Punk fires back with chops and both men exchange chops and kicks, before Punk gets the advantage with a stunning uppercut.
Punk gets distracted by AJ as Bryan takes advantage. He drops Punk with a shoulder and they run the ropes, before Punk sends Bryan to the outside with a dropkick. Punk suicide dives through the ropes taking Bryan out, before getting up on the barrier posing for the fans. They fight towards the ramp, each blocking suplex attempts. Punk slaps Bryan into the fan barrier on the entrance way and rolls him back into the ring. Bryan shoves Punk into AJ and she gets knocked off the apron. As Punk checks on her, Bryan attacks him from behind as AJ gets taken to the back.
Bryan gains the upper-hand and whips Punk into the barricade. He charges at him, but Punk back-drops him into the timekeeper’s area. Punk clotheslines Bryan off the barrier and they both go to the floor. The crowd were really into the match and chanted for tables! Punk obliged and pulled one out. Bryan attacked him from behind and pulled out a kendo stick from under the ring. Punk avoids the first couple of shots and rolls into the ring. Bryan eventually connects with the weapon, catching Punk in mid-air as he goes for a clothesline, and he repeatedly nails Punk with the kendo stick.
Bryan takes Punk back to the corner and rakes at his face before connecting with a snap suplex. Bryan leaps off the top with a headbutt and misses. Both men trade kicks and forearms in the middle of the ring before Punk gets the upper-hand with a couple of clotheslines and a neckbreaker. Punk gets a couple of knees to the gut, before going for a high-knee in the corner. Daniel Bryan blocks the bulldog, but Punk gets a powerslam before calling for the GTS.
Bryan blocks it, Punk blocks the Yes Lock and goes for another GTS, but Bryan kicks Punk in the head and gets a nearfall. Bryan uses the kendo stick again and goes for a submission, but Punk blocks it and lays Bryan out with the kendo stick. Punk climbs to the top rope, but Bryan cuts him off and nails a superplex. AJ comes running to the ring and tells the other referee to get out.
With both men down, Little Miss Crazy Chick decides it’s skipping time and bounces around the ring as both guys are down. She looks under the ring, brings a steel chair in and leaves it in the middle of the ring. The camera zooms in on her and she’s resting on the ropes, smiling. They both go for the chair, but Bryan gets control and just batters Punk in the back with three or four sickening chair shots. AJ counts to 2 before Punk kicks out and Bryan gets pissed with her count. Punk then rolls Bryan up and he gets a 2 count.
Punk’s still feeling the effects of the chair shot as Bryan continues kicking him, telling AJ that he’s doing it for her. Bryan continues to stay in control as AJ looks on. He charges at Punk, but Punk shoots out of the corner with a flying clothesline. Now it’s Punk’s turn to use the chair and he wails away on Bryan with it. He wedges the chair between the ropes, but as he goes to throw Bryan into it, AJ stands in the way. She eventually moves, but Bryan dropkicks him into the corner. The crowd are pretty much 50-50 here in terms of Punk/Bryan.
Bryan goes for the kendo stick, but AJ steps on it and smirks at him. Bryan turns around to a big right hand from Punk, who scoops Bryan up with the chair and slams him to the mat. He goes for an elbow off the top rope, but misses and lands on the chair. Bryan uses the kendo stick for leverage in the Yes Lock. AJ checks on Punk as Bryan wrenches back on him, screaming “YES!” Punk fights out and catapults Bryan into the corner. He connects with a GTS but only gets a 2 count.
Punk brings a table in the ring and puts Bryan on top of it. Punk looks for the elbow drop again, but Bryan stops him with right hands and a kick to the face. Bryan climbs up with Punk, but Punk counters and drops Bryan on the top turnbuckle. Punk hits a huge backdrop from the top rope, sending Bryan crashing through the table. Punk just about manages to cover Bryan as AJ counts to 3.
Winner (and STILL WWE Champion): CM Punk
After the match, AJ hands the title to Punk as he celebrates. She looks a little confused as Bryan lays in amongst the broken table in the ring.
Thoughts: What more can you say about these two? Every time they’re in the ring together, it’s money! This was easily the most physical match they’ve had in WWE and it told a great story. Right up until the end, you were never sure which way it would go. AJ’s involvement was great because she didn’t overshadow the whole match. It’s definitely a contender for the match of the year.
We get a plug for Tout (a new social media outlet that WWE are promoting) that allows you to send your own 15 second videos about WWE to your favourite superstars. I don’t think I’ll be doing that, but if it’s your bag, go for it!
Ryback vs. Tyler Reks and Curt Hawkins
Yet again, we get a TV squash match on pay-per-view. Thank God I didn’t have to pay for this event. It doesn’t matter that he’s a “new” character. In my view, PPV’s are supposed to be where feuds are continued or come to an end. They’re not a vehicle to get a jacked-up big guy over. Anyway, rant over.
This followed the standard Ryback squash match formula. Ryback controls most of the match with a series of power moves, exerting his dominance over two actual members of the WWE roster. He takes care of Hawkins early doors and basically focuses his powerslams and shoulder-thrusts on Tyler Reks. Ryback tosses Hawkins out to the floor and drops Reks with a clothesline. He scoops Reks up and drops him with Shell Shocked for the win.
Winner: Ryback
Thoughts: Using him like this is fine for the first couple of weeks, but Ryback’s been on Smackdown for the last three months now and he’s yet to have a meaningful feud. At least give him something proper to do so that the fans can invest in him. If that doesn’t happen soon, the “Goldberg” chants aren’t gonna go away.
Up next, another example of everyone’s favourite promo’s, it’s another “Raw Moments” package, focusing on the debut of Chris Jericho in August 1999.
Diva Tag-Team Match: Layla, Kaitlyn and Tamina Snuka vs. Beth Phoenix, Natalya and Eve Torres
Natalya starts off with Tamina. She drops her and does the Superfly pose! They run the ropes and Tamina slams Natalya, before connecting with a clothesline. She tags Kaitlyn in, who hits a backbreaker on Natalya for a nearfall. Natalya goes to her corner and hugs Beth before tagging her in. Beth and Kaitlyn meet in the middle of the ring, where the Glamazon slaps her. Kaitlyn slaps her back, so Beth tags Eve. Kaitlyn drops Eve with a right hand and then she hits Natalya.
Kaitlyn hits a crossbody on Eve and gets a 2 count. She charges at Eve in the corner, but she gets caught with an elbow before Eve drops her to the mat. Eve puts a headlock on her and tags Beth in. She leaps at Kaitlyn, who moves and tags in Layla. Layla goes at it with Beth, who hits a crossbody on the champ out of the corner, but only gets a 2 count. Beth ducks a kick, scoops Layla up and presses her above her head. Layla slides down and goes for a roll-up, but Natalya breaks the pin. All of the other Divas come in and it comes down to Tamina superkicking Beth. Layla takes advantage and pins Beth for the win.
Winners: Layla, Kaitlyn and Tamina
Thoughts: Like with the tag-team match earlier, it’s good to see the girls getting time on PPV, but I just wish there was an actual feud for them. For what it was, it was fine, but nothing we’ve not seen before.
WWE Title Money in the Bank Match: (Kane vs Chris Jericho vs Big Show vs John Cena vs The Miz)
Kane comes out first, followed by Chris Jericho, The Miz, Big Show and finally John Cena.
Everyone goes at it as the bell rings and they end up on the floor, except for Cena and Big Show. Cena knocks Show out of the ring and he tumbles out with him. Miz climbs up for the briefcase, but Cena manages to stop him. Show comes back into the ring and takes them both out. He knocks Jericho off the apron. Show tosses a ladder from the ring into Jericho on the floor. Kane and Show go at it now. Kane goes for a DDT, but Show blocks it and hits a scoop slam. Miz and Jericho both try to come in, but Show swats them away.
Jericho and Miz then double-team Show, hitting him with a Codebreaker and a DDT. Cena and Show end up on the floor. “Super” Cena hulks up and “from out of nowhere” (Hey Michael Cole, how ya doin?!) lifts Show up and puts him through a table with an Attitude Adjustment. The other men come over and Show gets buried under about ten ladders. Jericho decks Kane with a ladder and goes at it with Miz. Jericho applies the Walls of Jericho and Miz tries to tap out. Jericho only breaks the hold to dropkick a ladder into Kane. Jericho suplexes Miz and knocks Cena off the apron with a ladder before setting it up in the corner. Miz climbs up for the briefcase, but Jericho whips him face first into a ladder.
Jericho tries to climb the ladder, but Cena stops him and knocks Jericho to the floor. Miz climbs the ladder and stops Cena from getting the briefcase. Kane comes in and tips the ladder over. He reaches for the briefcase but he can’t quite stretch far enough. Miz and Jericho double suplex Kane on top of a ladder, but get taken down by Cena from a double shoulder-block. Cena slams Miz and Jericho down on two separate ladders and hits a double Five Knuckle Shuffle.
Kane gets involved and they all get sent to the floor except Jericho. He rolls outside and slams a ladder into Miz. He brings a fresh ladder in and climbs up to get the briefcase, just as Big Show emerges from underneath the pile of ladders. He looks pissed off! Show comes in and tears the ladder apart with Jericho on it. Show destroys another one with his bare hands and throws a couple on top of Kane for good measure. He keeps throwing ladders at people before Cena comes into the ring and Show turns his attention to him. He splashes a ladder onto Cena and has cleared the ring of everyone and everything.
Show gets out of the ring and brings in a super-sized ladder that he struggles to get in the ring. As he positions the ladder, Kane comes in and they trade shots at the top of the ladder. They each go for a chokeslam, but Show lands a KO Punch on Kane. Cena tries to stop him, but Show headbutts him off the ladder. Jericho then nails Show with a few shots to the back and his ribs, knocking the big man off the ladder and Jericho continues hitting him until he’s down.
Cena and Jericho climb up and fight it out for the briefcase at the top of the ladder. Cena goes for an AA but Jericho slides on his back and applies a sleeper hold. Cena powers up to the top of the ladder with Jericho on his back. Jericho keeps it locked in and it looks like Cena’s gonna pass out! Miz climbs up the other side, but Jericho punches him to the mat. Cena falls to the mat as well, leaving Jericho free to go for the briefcase. Miz meets him and they struggle at the top of the ladder. Miz goes for a superplex, but can’t pull it off. Show climbs up the ladder beside Miz as Jericho reaches for the briefcase. Show and Jericho lock eyes at the top. It’s not a happy reunion for Jeri-Show as Show punches Jericho off the top of the ladder before throwing Miz off too.
Suddenly, Cena runs up the opposite side of the ladder and uses the briefcase as a weapon. He knocks Show off the ladder with it as the strap snaps and Cena grabs the briefcase for the win.
Winner: John Cena
Thoughts: When WWE announced this match, I thought it’d be the most predictable MiTB match ever and it was. Right from the start, it was booked strongly for Cena to win. He AA’d Big Show through a table in the first five minutes so it was obvious from then on that he’d win. The addition of the Miz to the match was great and it added something different. Hopefully he doesn’t get lost in the shuffle now he’s back. It’s just my opinion, but Cena didn’t need to win this match. He’s now won every conceivable type of match in the WWE that he can compete in. What else is there for him to do?
Overall Thoughts on Money in the Bank
Just like No Way Out last month, the show was OK, but it just didn’t feel like a PPV. I still don’t understand why WWE only advertises 4 matches for the show, but adds 3 on the night. It doesn’t make sense. We saw another Ryback squash match (yawn!), but at least the tag-team and divas divisions got PPV time. It’d be better if they had actual feuds and proper builds to the matches, but hopefully they’ll get there.
Match of the Night
It was a close run thing. The Smackdown match was great because I didn’t really expect a lot from it. Each of the 8 men delivered and can be proud of the performance that they put on, but for me, the match of the night was the WWE Title match. If you want to see a physical, intense contest between two of the best wrestlers in the world, then sit yourself down for 20 minutes and watch the Punk/Bryan match. I hope that this isn’t the end of this feud and that it goes on for a little while longer.
Well, that’s the latest WWE PPV review done and in the books. Next on the hitlist is Summerslam in 5 weeks’ time. I was originally supposed to be there live, but plans have changed! Depending on your feedback, Greg and Brad might let me review it, so tweet them (or me) your thoughts and we’ll see what we can do! I’ll be back with another blog either later today or tomorrow, discussing a certain Mexican superstar in the WWE! Until then, thanks for reading and I’ll see you soon!
Peace out,
Twitter: @georgec1982

About Brad_SLTD

Single Leg take Down Wrestling gives the fan reactions to all the latest action from the WWE Universe, The TNA Impact Zone and also cover the best the UK Wrestling scene has to offer. Follow me on Twitter - www.twitter.com/Brad_SLTD Like us on Facebook - www.facebook.com/SLTDWrestling
This entry was posted in #mancrush, AJ, Alberto Del Rio, Chris Jericho, CM Punk, Daniel Bryan, Dolph Ziggler, George, georgec1982, John Cena, Money In The Bank, Ryback, Sheamus, WWE. Bookmark the permalink.

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