This Week In Review – Monday Night Raw

WWE RAW Opener:
Tonight’s WWE RAW Supershow opens up with a look back at the recent happenings between AJ Lee, Daniel Bryan and WWE Champion CM Punk.
– We’re live from the Pepsi Center in Denver, Colorado as Michael Cole welcomes us. He’s joined by Jerry Lawler. We go to the ring and out comes AJ Lee to kick things off.
AJ talks about Sunday’s Money in the Bank pay-per-view and brings out WWE Champion CM Punk. Punk comes out to a big pop. AJ says Punk showed his true feelings for her on SmackDown when he said she is mentally unstable and needs professional help. She says she doesn’t and is in control of all her mental faculties at all time. The crowd chants that AJ is crazy. She says nobody has ever cared about her. AJ says when she kissed Punk, she knew it, she knew what she had to do. She says his eyes send love straight to her heart. AJ says Punk turns her on.
AJ says she now knows what she has to do. She drops to one knee and asks Punk to marry her. Before Punk react, Daniel Bryan runs to the ring and chants NO! Bryan looks concerned. He tells AJ to please listen to him because she’s about to make the biggest mistake of her life. Bryan says Punk doesn’t love AJ. He’s just playing her because she is the special referee for Money in the Bank. Bryan says he never stopped having feelings for AJ. Bryan says Punk only cares about one person – himself. Punk says Bryan knows nothing about him, especially how he really feels about AJ. Punk tells Bryan to shut his mouth.
Bryan dares Punk to go ahead and say “I do” if he cares for AJ so much. Bryan says he sees AJ as a special person while Punk just sees her as a special referee. Bryan drops to one knee and asks AJ to marry him. Punk isn’t buying it. He asks Bryan where the ring is. Punk wants to go to the back and have a talk with AJ. Bryan tells Punk not to talk down to his future fiancee. The e-mail alert goes off and we’ve got the return of the Anonymous RAW General Manager. Michael Cole stands up and reveals the podium. The GM is back and says he’s running RAW tonight. The GM thinks Punk and AJ make a great couple. He books Punk and AJ vs. Eve Torres and Daniel Bryan for tonight. Bryan isn’t happy about this. The GM wishes everyone good luck. AJ says everything is really confusing. AJ says everyone needs some time to think. She’s happy about the match tonight because she believes that everything happens for a reason. AJ feels that she’s going to walk out of the arena with her future husband. AJ leaves the ring and skips off to the back.
– Still to come tonight, Big Show and Chris Jericho vs. John Cena and Kane. We go to commercial.
Sheamus vs. Jack Swagger
Back from the break and out comes the World Heavyweight Champion Sheamus. Jack Swagger waits in the ring. The bell rings and Swagger slams Sheamus. Sheamus catches Swagger in White Noise early. Sheamus connects with a Brogue Kick and gets the easy win.
Winner: Sheamus
After the match, Alberto Del Rio appears on the big screen. He’s backstage with one of his cars. He declares that he will take the World Heavyweight Title this Sunday. Del Rio gets in the car and drives off. Sheamus takes out his anger on Swagger by delivering another Brogue Kick.
Zack Ryder is backstage with Santino Marella talking about his role as SmackDown General Manager. Santino says he heard the Anonymous General Manager is somewhere in the building and he’s going to find him. Back to commercial.
Tensai and Dolph Ziggler vs. Tyson Kidd and Christian
Back from the break an the match is already going on. Ziggler and Tensai double team Kidd in the corner but he makes a comeback. We’ve got Vickie Guerrero on commentary. Christian comes in and unloads on Ziggler. Christian with the elbow from the second rope on Ziggler. He goes for Killswitch but it’s blocked. Tensai tags in as Christian dumps Ziggler to the floor. Tensai knocks Kidd off the apron but misses a splash in the corner. Christian with a big dropkick on Tensai. Sakamoto distracts the referee and Tensai takes back control on Christian. Tensai with a big back splash for another quick win.
Winners: Tensai and Dolph Ziggler

After the match, Tensai goes after Kidd on the floor and beats him up some more. Tensai powerbombs Kidd into the side of the apron and he hits his back hard. Tensai hits a big splash on the floor now as Vickie looks on approvingly.
In the Arena:
Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler start arguing at ringside. It ends with Lawler standing up and backing Cole off. The e-mail alert goes off and Cole goes back to the Anonymous GM’s podium. Cole gets upset and refuses to read what has been sent. Lawler steps up and the GM makes Lawler vs. Cole for tonight. The GM chimes in again and wants to let the fans decide if the match takes place. The fans pop but are told to go to to vote. Back to commercial.
Brodus Clay vs. Drew McIntyre
Back from the break and out comes Brodus Clay with Cameron and Naomi. Drew McIntyre is already waiting. The bell rings and Drew strikes first. Clay pushes him in the corner and fires away. Clay misses a splash but dumps Drew to the apron. Drew leaps off the top rope but Clay hits a headbutt in mid-air. Clay with a splash for another quick win tonight.
Winner: Brodus Clay
Santino is in the back and he thinks that Chris Jericho is the anonymous GM. Jericho says that he hates the computer and he asks Santino if he isn’t the anonymous GM. Santino is suckered into Jericho’s charm and he leaves.
Show enters and Jericho says that he was looking for him all day. They were the greatest tag team and they get their chance to weaken Cena and Kane. Show says that some of his most embarrassing times were as a part of Jeri-Show. Show tells Jericho to stay out of his way.
– John Cena will speak next. Back to commercial.
– We are back with a Raw 1000 Memorable Moment and it is from Stephanie McMahon. It was the night that Stephanie was going to renew her vows with Hunter in 2002.
In the Arena:
John Cena makes his way to the ring and he has something to say before his match. John says that he feels the same way as the fans. In six days in Phoenix, the world will witness Money in the Bank. If you plan on going through hell, you might as well keep going.
Money in the Bank is a brutal match but there is an unbelievable reward. No one cares about pinfalls or submissions. There is a common goal. A contract for the WWE Championship. In six days, even the nicest guys can become brutal and ruthless with that destiny hanging over your head. Ever since Money in the Bank started, the person who has grabbed the contract has always cashed in to become champion.
Cena reminds us of the two things he will do on Sunday. First, he will keep Big Show from winning and he will stop Big Show by his hand. Second, he will do everything to be the next Mr. Money in the Bank.
John Cena and Kane vs. Big Show and Chris Jericho
Jericho and Cena start things off and Jericho points to the briefcase. Jericho and Cena with a top wrist lock but Cena with a side head lock. Cena with a shoulder tackle for a near fall. Cena with an Irish whip and bulldog. Show tags in and Jericho yells at Show.
Show takes his time entering the ring. They throw some punches that don’t connect. Show grabs Cena by the throat but Cena escapes and he tags in Kane. They lock up and Show sends Kane towards the corner. They lock up again and Show puts Kane in the corner but Show misses a punch and Kane with punches in the corner. Show with an Irish whip and splash into the corner.
Show with a forearm to the back and Kane goes to the floor. Jericho kicks Kane on the floor when the referee was not looking. Show punches Kane in the midsection but Kane with an uppercut. Show with a boot and shoulder tackle to Kane. Show has something to say to Cena on the apron.
Show with punches to the midsection. Jericho tags in and Kane with an uppercut. Cena tags in and hits a clothesline after an Irish whip. Cena with a suplex for a near fall. Show hits Cena from behind when Jericho distracts the referee. We go to commercial.
We are back and Show head butts Cena and then connects with the shhhh chop. Cena avoids a second shhhh chop and he tries to slam Show but he collapses under Show’s weight. Cena with a kick and punches but Show with a bear hug. Cena punches his way out of the hold and hits a belly-to-back suplex.
Kane tags in and hits a drop kick and then he throws an uppercut followed by a few running clotheslines into the corner. Kane with a DDT for a near fall. Kane goes up top but misses the flying clothesline. Show with a spear for a near fall. Show with a punch to the chest and Jericho is tagged in.
Jericho goes up top and hits a double sledge and he kicks Kane against the ropes. The referee pulls Jericho out of the corner but he is able to continue the attack on Kane with kicks. Jericho chokes Kane in the ropes and then he stands on Kane’s back. Jericho with a splash to the back.
Show punches Kane and we go to commercial.
We are back and Jericho with a reverse chin lock on Kane. Kane gets Jericho on his shoulders and he backs Jericho into the corner. Kane runs into a boot but Kane with a side slam and both men are down. Cena tags in and hits the two shoulder tackles followed by the Blue Thunder Bomb and it is time for the Five Knuckle Shuffle. Cena drop kicks Show and that allows Jericho to try for the Walls of Jericho but Cena escapes and Cena hits the Attitude Adjustment.
Show pulls Cena out of the ring and the referee calls for the bell.
Winners: Kane and John Cena

After the match, Show attacks Cena on the floor and he clotheslines Kane on the floor. Show gets a few ladders from under the ring. Show hits Jericho and Kane with the ladder. Show puts Jericho inside the ladder and drops the other end on him. Show pushes the ladder onto Jericho. Cena hits Show with a ladder and after the third shot, he sends Show over the top rope to the floor.
– In case you missed the marriage proposal heard round the world and the second marriage proposal heard round the world, we have a recap. We go to commercial.
CM Punk is backstage warming up when Eve Torres appears. She wishes him good luck with AJ. Eve says AJ is spiteful and if she doesn’t hear the words “I do” tonight, she will cost him the title on Sunday. Eve says it must be hard being overshadowed by guys like The Rock, John Cena, Triple H and Brock Lesnar but being overshadowed by AJ must be emasculating. Eve wishes him good luck again and walks off.
Santino is backstage and he’s found the Anonymous GM’s cell phone. The Great Khali appears and takes it. They attempt some comedy and Santino leaves the phone with Khali.
Money in the Bank Qualifying Match
Sin Cara vs. Heath Slater

We go to the ring and out comes Sin Cara. This match is for the final spot in the World Heavyweight Title Money in the Bank Ladder Match. We go to commercial.
Back from the break and Heath Slater s in the ring. Cara with kicks. Cara tries for a handspring back elbow but Slater with a cutter for a near fall. Slater punches Cara and slams him. Slater with elbows to the chest. Slater with a reverse chin lock. Slater with a wrist lock but Cara with a double jump arm drag and then he goes to the floor and he kicks Slater. Cara with a springboard cross body and then he hits La Mistica for the three count.
Winner: Sin Cara

After the match, Slater takes the mic and says this isn’t fair. He says to send him any former champion in the back and he will beat them. He doesn’t care who it is, he guarantees a win. Bob Backlund’s music hits and out comes the two-time WWE Champion.
Backlund gets a “you still got it” chant from the crowd. Backlund goes to shake Slater’s hand but Slater attacks him and beats him down. Backlund ducks a shot and applies the crossface chicken wing. Slater taps out but there is no referee. Backlund finally breaks the hold and celebrates with the fans.
Michael Cole interrupts Backlund’s celebration and he shows us the results for the poll on Looks like we have a match. Cole says that the people are hypocrites for not wanting to see him wrestle and then he is put into a match. Cole complains as we go to commercial.
Jerry Lawler vs. Michael Cole
Back from the break and Cole stalls to start the match. Cole goes to the floor but Booker returns Cole into the ring. Lawler grabs Cole and spins him around before dropping him for the quick win.
Winner: Jerry Lawler
The e-mail alert goes off and Josh Matthews steps up to the podium. It’s announced that because of Booker T’s interference, Michael Cole is now the winner. Santino Marella’s music hits and out he comes. Santino believes the GM is under the ring. The e-mail alert goes off and he says no, he is not under the ring. The GM chimes in again and tells Santino to leave the ring because he is not under there. Santino goes to the floor and something trips him, pulling him under. Hornswoggle is pulled out but the e-mail alerts go off several times in a row. Lawler asks Hornswoggle if he’s the one and he shakes his head yes. Lawler threatens to spank him. Hornswoggle kicks Lawler in the shin and bites Santino on the rear before running off.
Eve Torres and Daniel Bryan vs. AJ Lee and CM Punk
Back from the break and out comes Eve Torres followed by her partner Daniel Bryan. AJ Lee is out next followed by the WWE Champion CM Punk.
The men start things off and they exchange punches and forearms until Punk gets the advantage. Punk with knees but Bryan with a European uppercut. Punk with a back body drop and Bryan gets a boot up when Punk charges into the corner. Bryan with a knee into the corner and Kicks of Yes. Punk with a drop kick and AJ tags in.
Eve with a kick to AJ and a forearm to the back. AJ with a spear and punches. Eve with forearms and a kick. AJ with a knee and punch. Eve with a back heel kick but Eve with a kick and a spear. Eve wit ha knee to the midsection and she sends AJ to the mat. Eve sets for the flip leg drop but AJ gets her knees up.
AJ with forearms and a kick to the leg followed by a drop kick. AJ with a clothesline into the corner followed by a back heel kick for a near fall. AJ keeps Eve from making the tag. Eve kicks AJ away and then Bryan refuses to make the tag and he goes to the floor.
AJ with a rollup for the three count while Eve is confused by Bryan’s actions.
Winners: AJ Lee and CM Punk

After the match, Bryan says that he proved that she is more important than any match. Bryan suggests that they leave and go get married. Bryan does the chivalrous thing and holds the ropes open for AJ.
Punk tells AJ that he is not going to blatantly use her and lie to her to keep the title. Bryan says that he wants to marry her, but not for her. It is to help him become the WWE Champion. Punk says that he doesn’t care if what he says is going to cost him the match at Money in the Bank or his WWE Championship. Punk says that he will not marry her. If that hurts AJ, Punk says that he is sorry. He is honest enough to tell her the truth.
AJ walks to Punk and she looks like she is going to cry but instead she slaps Punk in the face.
Bryan smiles and he tells AJ to come home. AJ goes to Bryan and she slaps him as well. Bryan can’t believe that AJ did that.
AJ starts Yesing as we go to credits.
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This entry was posted in Big Show, Brodus Clay, Chris Jericho, CM Punk, Daniel Bryan, Dolph Ziggler, Jack Swagger, John Cena, Kane, Lord Tensai, Money In The Bank, Raw, Santino Marella, Sheamus, The Rock, This Week In Review, WWE. Bookmark the permalink.

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