This Week In Review – Monday Night Raw Review

Live Coverage of all WWE Shows.
WWE Raw June 5th 2012

WWE RAW Opener: 
Tonight’s WWE RAW Supershow opens with a look back at Big Show explaining his heel turn from last week. 
We’re live from the Bi Lo Center in Greenville, South Carolina. Justin Roberts introduces Michael Cole and here he comes to the ring. Cole brings out John Cena and says he has a lot of explaining to do. Cena’s music hits and out he comes. 
Michael Cole makes his way into the ring so he can conduct an interview with John Cena. He says that there is one man responsible for the latest carnage at the hands of the Big Show and that man has a lot to answer to. Michael brings out John Cena. Michael reminds John that Big Show knocked him out twice in a 24 hour period. Cole mentions what happened to Brodus Clay, Kofi Kingston, R Truth, Santino Marella, Zack Ryder, and Alex Riley who were attacked last week. Cole says that this could have been prevented if Cena did the right thing and support Big Show. Instead Cena decided to make jokes about John Laurinaitis. 
Cena says that he is proud of himself. Cena says that John Laurinaitis is a power hungry bully. He says that Laurinaitis embarrasses and humiliates Big Show. Then Big Show comes out and Cena didn’t do his part in defending him. Cena says that he was going to get John Laurinaitis out of here to get a new GM and Big Show gets his job back. What kind of idiot wouldn’t bring back the World’s Largest Athlete. 
Cole calls Cena arrogant and says that no one knew if the General Manager would hire the Big Show back. Cole says that Cena is self centered and wrapped up in his own ego that he forgets about this. Cole tells Cena it is not all about him. Big Show did what he had to do to feed his family. He took the sure thing and that was signing with John Laurinaitis. Show taught everyone a lesson. He is not a businessman. He is a seven foot giant that you cannot beat. Show proved it last week and he will prove it in the steel cage at No Way Out. 
Cena says that Show wanted to get a wallet as fat as his waist. Show went for the sure thing during tough times. Show does not have the right to say that Cena or the fans turned their backs on him because Show turned his back on everyone. 
Cole says that maybe Cena is jealous of the Big Show. Maybe it is because Show won his match at Wrestlemania. Show wasn’t a punching bag for Brock Lesnar for twenty minutes at Extreme Rules. Cole says that he has been an advocate for Cena since day one, but now he is seeing things differently. Cole tells Cena that he doesn’t look interested any more and that Cena is overrated. Cole says that he hopes that Show will finally put us out of our collective miseries. Cole tells Cena that he cannot strike an announcer because it is strictly prohibited. 
The music plays and John Cena in his Rascal Scooter makes his way to the stage. He introduces himself, but we already don’t care. Laurinaitis tells Cena that he can pick his opponent tonight. Show is off tonight. Laurinaitis says that because he already beat Cena, he has retired from singles competition. 
Cena thinks about it and he says that if he can pick anybody, he is going to face an opponent he has been watching for years. He has scouted him heavily. The report says that he is uninteresting and overrated. Jim Ross says that he is being shoved down our throats. John says that he will be facing Michael Cole tonight. 
Cole says Cena can’t do that. Cole pleads with Laurinaitis but Ace just rides away on his scooter. Cena gets his match and celebrates with the fans at ringside as Cole yells for Laurinaitis to come back. 
– Still to come tonight, Kane vs. CM Punk for the WWE Title and there must be a winner this time. We see Sheamus walking to the ring for a rematch against Dolph Ziggler. We go to commercial. 
Dolph Ziggler vs. Sheamus 
Vickie Guerrero comes out to the stage to begin introducing Dolph Ziggler when Michael Cole comes storming past her on his way to commentary. Ziggler makes his way out followed by the World Heavyweight Champion Sheamus for this non-title match. 
They lock up and go at it. Ziggler takes the fight to the corner but Sheamus turns it around. Ziggler takes out Sheamus’ leg but gets caught going for the leg drop. Ziggler tries for a roll up but Sheamus hits the senton for a 1 count. Ziggler pulls the ropes down and dumps Sheamus out to the floor. Sheamus pulls him out and drops his head on the floor. They block attempts at pushing each other into the ring post. Ziggler blocks a shot into the steel steps. Vickie argues with Sheamus as Dolph enters the ring. Sheamus turns around to a dropkick from Ziggler. Sheamus goes down on the floor as Ziggler poses in the corner and we go to commercial. 
We are back and Ziggler with a rear chin lock but Sheamus head butts but Ziggler with a knee and he traps the arm. We see footage from the commercial when Sheamus went into the ring post and Ziggler continued to work on the arm. Ziggler tries for a crossface chicken wing but Sheamus with an arm drag and double sledges. 
Sheamus with a shoulder into the corner followed by a knee lift and a power slam for a near fall. Ziggler with kicks and a DDT and he gets a near fall. Ziggler goes up top but Sheamus recovers and he punches Ziggler. Sheamus tries for a superplex but Ziggler with punches and elbows to the injured arm. Ziggler with a Fameasser from the top for a near fall. 
Ziggler gets to his feet and he tries for the sleeper but Sheamus with a snap mare and White Noise. Sheamus stares into space and then he signals for the Brogue Kick and he hits it and gets the three count. 
Winner: Sheamus 
After the match, Sheamus is headed up the ramp when Alberto Del Rio attacks from behind. Del Rio beats Sheamus down. Sheamus starts to come back but Ricardo Rodriguez comes out to help. They stomp away on Sheamus. Del Rio applies the cross armbreaker with Sheamus hanging off the stage. We go to commercial. 
Back from the break and David Otunga catches up with Laurinaitis. He shows him on it says Vince McMahon will be returning next week. Laurinaitis says that’s a good thing. Otunga adds Vince is returning to evaluate Laurinaitis and Ace doesn’t look thrilled. Cole says he gets it now. Ace booked him in a match to please Mr. McMahon. Cole is no longer upset with Laurinaitis. Still to come tonight, Cena vs. Cole. 
Sin Cara vs. Hunico 
We go to the ring and out comes Sin Cara making his RAW return. Out next comes Hunico riding on Camacho’s bike. 
The lights di blue and they go at it. Cara with high flying moves as he sends Hunico to the floor. Cara with a hurricanrana on the floor before bringing it back in the ring. Cara comes in with a roll up but Hunico kicks him in the face and takes control. Hunico with a big knee to the back for a 2 count. Hunico keeps Cara on the mat now. Hunico runs into boots from Cara and misses a splash into the corner. Cara with an enzuigiri from the apron and then he hits a springboard rana. Hunico tries for a hip toss into the ropes but Cara with an arm drag. Cara with a handspring back elbow. Cara takes care of Camacho and then Cara with La Mistica for the three count. 
Winner: Sin Cara 
Up next is Ryback coming to RAW. We go to commercial.

Stan Stansky and Arthur Rosenberg vs. Ryback

Back from the break and two indy geeks are in the ring. They do a rap about how they are going to beat Ryback. The bell rings and Ryback wants one of them to do something and Ryback with a back body drop to Rosenberg. He catches Stansky and tosses him onto Rosenberg. Ryback with a delayed vertical suplex to Rosenberg and then he sends him into the corner. Ryback sends Stansky into Rosenberg in the corner and then he hits a splash into the corner followed by a double lariat.

Ryback picks up what is left of Rosenberg and Stansky and he hits the double marching muscle buster and gets the three count.

Winner: Ryback 

Up next is WWE Champion CM Punk vs. Kane where there must be a winner. Back to commercial.

CM Punk vs. Kane

Back from the break and out comes WWE Champion CM Punk. It appears this match is not for the WWE Title but there must be a winner. Punk makes his entrance and out next is Daniel Bryan to join the announcers. Bryan stands up on the announce table and takes a mic. Bryan says it’s time for a little Q&A time. Bryan asks if AJ has gone delusional since he dumped her. He asks if Kane will destroy Punk tonight. He asks if he will become the new WWE Champion at No Way Out and of course every answer is yes! The pyro goes off and out comes Kane now.

The match starts and Kane beats Punk down in the corner. Punk makes a comeback and clotheslines Kane to the floor. Punk dives through the ropes and takes him out as Bryan looks on from ringside. Punk climbs up to the top and leaps down on Kane and he floor. Punk kicks Kane before rolling him back in the ring. Punk goes back up top and hits a crossbody for 2. Punk with more kicks. Kane cuts him off with a knee to the gut and a low dropkick to the face. Kane takes control now and hits a big leg drop for another pin attempt.

Punk fights out of a body scissors. Punk with kicks and chops. Kane goes for a slam but Punk blocks it with more kicks and forearm shots. Punk gets stopped again and Kane throws him over the top rope to the floor as Bryan laughs. We go to commercial.

Back from the break and Punk applies a sleeper hold on Kane. Kane powers out with a big side slam and covers for a 2 count. Kane catches Punk with another side slam. Kane goes up top but Punk runs up and hits a high knee to the jaw. Punk with another knee in the corner and then the bulldog for a 2 count. Punk springboards in with a clothesline for another 2 count. Punk goes for GTS but can’t get Kane up. Kane drops him with a big boot and covers for 2. Kane goes for a chokeslam but Punk counters with a neckbreaker for a close 2 count. Punk goes up top but Kane stops him and climbs up. Kane goes for a superplex but Punk fights him off and sends him to the mat. Punk hits the elbow drop for another close 2 count.

Punk with a baseball slide to Kane and they fight around the ringside area. Punk with forearms but Kane sends Punk into the ringside barrier next to Bryan. Kane gets back into the ring and Bryan kicks Punk in the midsection when the referee did not see him. Kane picks Punk up and into the ring. Kane sets for the choke slam but Punk with a round kick to the head.

AJ comes to ringside and she tells the referee what Bryan did. Bryan yells at AJ and Punk with a suicide dive onto Bryan and Punk slams Bryan’s head into the ringside barrier. Punk returns to the ring and Kane with a choke slam for the three count.

Winner: Kane 

After the match, AJ checks on Punk but AJ realizes that Kane is still in the ring and AJ might be crazy, but she isn’t stupid.

We go to commercial.

– Josh Mathews catches up with AJ Lee and asks her about “the look” we just saw. AJ grabs Mathews by his collar and says he seems uncomfortable. She plays the crazy chick role and he walks off.

– Cole begs the fans to use social media and ask John Laurinaitis to cancel the match against Cena tonight.

– We get another promo video for Big Show.

R-Truth and Kofi Kingston vs. Tyler Reks and Curt Hawkins 

WWE Tag Team Champions Kofi Kingston and R-Truth make their way out to the ring as we go back to commercial.

Back from the break and Curt Hawkins is going at it with Kofi Kingston, who has his ribs taped up. Kofi keeps control and gets a 2 count. Truth is also taped up from the attack last week. Truth tags in and they double team Hawkins. Kofi with a big kick to the face. Truth hits a leg drop for a 2 count. Hawkins tags to Tyler Reks. Truth unloads and takes Reks to the corner. Hawkins interferes and Reks slams Truth to the mat. Reks with a big backbreaker for 2.

Hawkins tags back in and they double team Truth. Another tag to Reks and more double teaming. Truth fights back but Reks scoops him on his shoulders. Truth slides out and dropkicks Reks. Kofi gets the tag and hits his usual moves on Hawkins. Kofi hits Boom Drop and knocks Reks off the apron. Kof hits the big crossbody but Reks come in and breaks the pin. Reks dumps Truth to the floor but Truth pulls him out. Hawkins and Kofi go at it now with Kofi hitting Trouble in Paradise for the win.

Winners: Kofi Kingston and R-Truth 

– We see John Cena walking backstage as we return to commercials.

John Cena vs. Michael Cole

Back fro the break and out comes John Cena for the main event. Michael Cole is still sitting in his suit at ringside doing commentary. John Laurinaitis comes out and makes the match a No DQ match, if Cena is victorious against this man… Tensai’s music hits and out he comes with Sakamoto.

John Cena vs. Tensai 

Tensai comes out and pushes Sakomoto to the side. He charges to the ring where Cena waits.

They lock up and Tensai knocks Cena to the mat before taking him to the corner and beating him down with forearm shots. Tensai stomps away and taunts Cena to get up. Tensai drops Cena again with a big headbutt. Cena fights back and they trade shots. Cena clotheslines Tensai out to the floor and tries to bring him back in but goes down on the floor. We go to commercial.

Back from the break and Tensai is still in control. Tensai hits a big splash in the corner. Cena catches Tensai with boots in the corner and a bulldog. Tensai stops Cena again and leg drops his arm. Tensai with a big shoulder for a 2 count. Tensai tosses Cena back out to the floor and slams his head into the announcers table. Cole takes advantage and slaps Cena in the face. Tensai throws Cena into the steel steps as Cole yells on commentary. Cena rushes in the ring to stop the 10 count but Tensai catches him with a big suplex for a 2 count. Tensai misses the back splash and Cena makes a comeback.

Cena hits the usual followed by the Five Knuckle Shuffle and the Attitude Adjustment for the win.

Winner: John Cena 

Cena hits the turnbuckles to pose for the fans as Cole looks on worried from the announcers table. Cena is ready for Cole to get in the ring now for their No DQ match.

No DQ Match 
John Cena vs. Michael Cole 

The bell rings as Cole gets up. He hesitates before taking off over the fan barrier and through the crowd. Cena chases him down and brings him back to the ring.

Cole keeps trying to run off but Cena catches him and brings it in the ring. Cole grabs a mic and pleads with Cena. He says they go way back and are good friends. Cole says they can shake hands like friends do. Cole takes off his jacket and his tie. He’s upset now. Cole asks Cena how embarrassing it’s going to be when Cole beats him live on RAW. Cole continues taunting Cena and gets in his face. Cena rips Cole’s shirt open and gives him a big chop to the chest. Cena rips Cole’s pants off and then his shirt. Cena stomps Cole between the legs before taking him to the corner for another big chop.

Cena makes Cole apologize to Jerry Lawler for earlier comments. Cena then makes Cole apologize to Jim Ross for what’s happened in the past. Cole says he’s sorry over and over. Cena makes Cole plug JR’s BBQ sauce next. Lawler just happens to have a few bottles at ringside. Cena hits Cole with the mic and goes out for the bottles of BBQ. Cena gives Cole a JR’s BBQ bath and goes under the ring for a fire extinguisher. Cena cools Cole down with the extinguisher as the crowd cheers. Cole gets to his feet and Cena goes for the Attitude Adjustment. Before he can hit it, Tensai hits the ring and lays Cena out. Cole takes advantage and covers Cena but he kicks out at 2.

Cole slaps at Cena and yells at him. Cole grabs the fire extinguisher and charges at Cena with it but Cena catches him with the Attitude Adjustment for the win.

Winner: John Cena 

After the match, Cena celebrates and sprays the extinguisher some more. Cole is trying to recover on the outside as we go to replays. Cena finds Cole on the floor and sprays him some more with the extinguisher as RAW goes off the air.

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About Brad_SLTD

Single Leg take Down Wrestling gives the fan reactions to all the latest action from the WWE Universe, The TNA Impact Zone and also cover the best the UK Wrestling scene has to offer. Follow me on Twitter - Like us on Facebook -
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