What Lies In Store For The Beast That Is Brock Lesnar? By @safx41

It has now officialy been over a week since Extreme Rules 2012 and once again the WWE has a whole new complextion and our predictions have yet again been altered for the year. Whilst many thought that Mr Lesnar would be on our TV screens for the best part of the year he will not however he will wrestle more matches which is fantastic. Brock Lesnar is a brand, he is a man who has not only made a name for himself in the WWE but also the UFC and he helped build the UFC into what it is today. 5 Million dollars is a hefty amount of money for a years work for Brock but what WWE will make due to it is going to be the best gamble ever. I expect his merch (one shirt for now) to fly off the shelves, it was back-ordered as soon as it hit wweshop.com and at the o2 it ran out of stock almost instantly. Brock isn’t the biggest guy in the company but Brock is someone who can bring back the former fan into the product. Simply put, Brock is a beast.

So what do I expect to see from Lesnar in this next year? Well for one I want to see feuds with the likes of CM Punk, Randy Orton and Triple H. I want to see Brock do what he does best and that’s being an ass kicker. NOT talking on the mic because he is just awful in that department. Triple H has completely no sold the broken arm by appearing to be fine when walking with Floyd Money Mayweather for his match but there is still something there. For me, I feel the perfect opportunity to exploit Brock vs HHH must be at No Way Out and Money In The Bank. No Way Out is expected to have the theme of cage matches… boring much? However Brock and HHH can redefine what the cage match is, knock out the referee, take it outside, involve blood, hammers and chairs to make it one to remember. For Money In The Bank we will have two MITB Ladder matches, two championship matches and a bog standard diva’s match… Brock vs HHH will make this PPV better then it already has been in the past two years, a one on one No Holds Barred match will draw buys and buys are all that the WWE cares about deep down.

After Brock is done annihilating The Game he can then move on to the second top guy in the business, my favourite Randy Orton. These guys are monsters, Orton is going nowhere right now in terms of a storyline perspective, this feud will not only get Orton back on the map but it will also put Brock Lensar over to new heights. Randy can be that guy who confronts Brock after he ”permanently” injured Triple H and Brock can just decimate him week in, week out until there match. No wait, scratch that. Brock and Orton should be equally built up to believe anyone of them can win it. They steal the show at Summerslam and Brock is now ready to go into the title picture.

But he does not win, make it a 6 pack challenge at NOC and make John Cena pin him. Then Brock Lesnar decimates everyone in the ring then John Cena by putting him through the announcers desk, then he walks out with the five to fight for the belt. Then at Hell In A Cell Brock vs Cena this time in a HIAC match up, they can brawl in this match and looking at Lesnar’s last Hell In A Cell encouter it will be epic. Lesnar goes over and is ready to take on Punk at Survivor Series.
Punk vs Brock. I’M A PAUL HEYMAN GUY! So bring Paul H back to be the special referee. This feud will be based on Punk not being bulky enough to take down Brock, by this point Punk has been champion… for a year. Brock wins this match because Paul Heyman screws Punk out of the belt, Brock and Paul look like they re-unite but then Brock takes out Paul Heyman saying he doesn’t need anyone. A good match and feud cultimating at the Royal Rumble.

So, who will Brock face on the biggest stage of them all. None other then The Rock. Brock wins the six man elimination chamber match to retain the strap and confirms his place at the PPV of PPV’s. Thus John Laura (however you spell it) makes an open battle royal and the winner will take on Brock Lesnar. The last four standing, Big Show, John Cena, Mark Henry and The Rock. The Rock wins to set up Rock vs Brock part 2 at Wrestlemania 29. Who wins? I can’t even decide. But this in my humble opinion will get the best out of Brock throughout his one year stint in the company, draw buys and bring back a lost audience.

WWE, it is up to you. Don’t screw it up.

This is my first piece for SLTD so I do hope you enjoyed reading as much as I enjoyed writing. 🙂

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About Brad_SLTD

Single Leg take Down Wrestling gives the fan reactions to all the latest action from the WWE Universe, The TNA Impact Zone and also cover the best the UK Wrestling scene has to offer. Follow me on Twitter - www.twitter.com/Brad_SLTD Like us on Facebook - www.facebook.com/SLTDWrestling
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