Off The Top Rope Special: Extreme Rules Predictions


United States Championship
The Miz vs. Santino (c)
This interesting PreShow match since this will be a first for The Miz not being on a PPV main show. There is no storyline, unless it evolves into one. Thus far I think Santino will retain.
Winner: Santino Marella
Extreme Rules PPV
Divas Championship
Beth Pheonix vs. Nikki Bella (c)
With Beth’s injury storyline. I think we will see Nikki retain but will see a surprise return of Kharma. This will eventually setup Kharma vs. Beth
Winner: Nikki Bella

Intercontental Championship
Cody Rhodes vs. Big Show (c)
A rematch of these two from Wrestlemania. This could be interesting. It will be a good match as was the previous match. Cody will get some good offense in but will eventually fall victim to the WMD.
Winner: Big Show

Falls Count Anywhere
Randy Orton vs. Kane
After having “Family Reunions” on Smackdown and Raw, we get a falls count anywhere match. I miss the old days of back room brawls, and parking lot fights, pins on top of cars, etc. hopefully these two veterans go at it and bring back a old school fight. Not just on the stage area. I think we will see Randy becoming victorious after losing at Wrestlemania.
Winner: Randy Orton

World Heavyweight Championship 2 out of 3 Falls
Daniel Bryan vs. Sheamus (c)
fter the 18 second victory by Sheamus at Wrestlemania, I will assume that we will get time in this match to make it a classic. As much as I don’t like Sheamus as a face. I see him pulling out the victory with maybe some outside interference helping Bryan along the way to fall victim to the Brogue Kick.
Winner: Sheamus

WWE Championship Chicago Street Fight
Chris Jericho vs. C.M. Punk (c)

This has gotten personal with Jericho’s attacks on Punk and his family. But with Punk getting the better of Jericho on Monday this could be interesting. I think we will see this pour out into the crowd and then the streets of Chicago. It will not be a wrestling match, rather a brawl. However we will see Punk retain in his hometown.

Winner: C.M. Punk

Extreme Rules Match
Brock Lesnar vs. John Cena

This will be a brutal match. I predict blood with in the first 5 minutes. Tables, Chairs, and the Spanish Announce table will be used. Brock Lesnar will continue the losing streak of Cena. This will eventually lead to Cena turning “Thug” again.

Winner: Brock Lesnar

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This entry was posted in Big Show, Brock Lesnar, Chris Jericho, CM Punk, Cody Rhodes, Extreme Rules, John Cena, Kane, Luciano, Off The Top Rope, Randy Orton, Sheamus, SLTD, SLTD Wrestling, World Heavyweight Title, WWE Title. Bookmark the permalink.

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